
How opposing metabolic pathways regulate inflammation
Researchers use cybernetics to understand what happens when two acids produced by macrophages compete for binding sites on the enzyme that converts them to active products.

From the Journals: JBC
Maternal metabolite promotes offspring survival. Unraveling the tick’s blood-sucking strategy. Connecting obesity and liver diseases. Read about these recent papers.

From the journals: JBC
Ribosomal RNA, R-loops and the RNA exosome. Using an old drug to treat a new skin disease, Sugar-binding immune receptors. Read about recent papers on these topics.

Illuminating the dark serum immunoglobulome
Researchers in the Netherlands shine a light on unique antibody repertories of severe COVID-19 patients.

From the journals: JBC
A novel antiviral factor fights flu. Clamping onto DNA. Glycosylation ensures healthy bones. Read about recent articles on these topics.

Snaking toward a universal antivenom
Scientists at Scripps Research have discovered antibodies that protect against a host of lethal snake venoms.

Decoding microglial language
Emory University scientists characterize extracellular vesicles that facilitate intercellular communication.

Small protein plays a big role in viral battles
Nef, an HIV accessory protein, manipulates protein expression in extracellular vesicles, leading to improved understanding of HIV-1 pathogenesis.

From the journals: JBC
Biased agonism of an immune receptor. A profile of missense mutations. Cartilage affects tissue aging. Read about these recent papers.