Animals and other creatures

Biotech startup worms its way into therapeutics
Andrea Choe's company, Holoclara, has created an anti-inflammatory drug based on a molecule from worms.

An ancient animal helps scientists improve modern technology
The same molecules that help tardigrades survive extreme weather can improve cryo-EM images of cellular structures and proteins, a team led by University of Wisconsin–Madison researcher Ci Ji Lim reports.

We are family: Tracing the evolution of animals
To understand the origins of muticelled life, researchers are studying a motley assortment of simpler animal relatives. The commonalities they’re unearthing offer a trove of clues about our mutual past.

Yellow food dye can make living tissue transparent
These new methods could one day improve cancer treatment, blood draws and even tattoo removal.

Tardigrades: Surviving extreme radiation
These tiny animals use a combination of DNA repair machinery and a novel protein to mend their genome after intense ionizing radiation.

Seeking the sweet spot to beat a pig parasite
Researchers extracted, separated and tested glycans from the porcine whipworm in an effort to determine the best way to develop treatments and vaccines.

Animals have used bioluminescence to communicate for millions of years
Despite its widespread occurrence, scientists don’t yet know when or where this phenomenon first emerged, or its original function.

Harnessing a natural plant insecticide for commercial use
Researchers in Australia have identified circular peptides, called cyclotides, that affect the formation of cell membranes, causing death or restricted growth.

How to control chronic wasting disease
A prion sickness similar to mad cow is spreading rapidly through North America’s deer and elk populations. A veterinary microbiologist discusses the options for keeping it in check.