
Finding the transcriptional basis of diet-induced obesity
A recent study shows the previously unknown role of hepatic transcription factor FOXA3 in metabolic disease.

From the Journals: JBC
Maternal metabolite promotes offspring survival. Unraveling the tick’s blood-sucking strategy. Connecting obesity and liver diseases. Read about these recent papers.

Breaking fat: How exercise boosts your metabolism
Researchers at the University of South Carolina help decipher the mechanisms by which exercise impacts lipid metabolism.

From the journals: JLR
Switching cancer cells from pro- to antitumor. Species-specific skeletal muscle metabolism. Protein deletion improves metabolic disorders Read about recent papers on these topics.

Rare genetic mutation in Amish population linked to ‘bad’ cholesterol levels
The affected SORT1 gene encodes for a protein that might influence LDL levels, though study results have been contradictory.

From the journals: JLR
A “T” makes a difference in blood clotting. High cholesterol: two screens are better than one. Biomarkers for cardiovascular risk. Statin-induced changes to the HDL lipidome. Read about recent papers on these topics.

What is metabolism?
A biochemist explains how different people convert energy differently – and why that matters for your health.

From the journals: JLR
How lipogenesis works in liver steatosis. Removing protein aggregates from stressed cells. Linking plasma lipid profiles to cardiovascular health. Read about recent papers on these topics.

From the journals: JLR
What can you do with artificial lipoproteins? A new key to angiogenesis. Flavonoids counteract oxidative stress. Read about recent papers on these topics.